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Friday, August 22, 2008

Introduction to MoneyTuts!

MoneyTuts - "Can I Really Make Money Online" is basically serve as a medium for me to communicate and share with you on my survival in the world of trying to make money online.

If you ask about my experience, then I should say that I don't really have any idea which part of my achievement so far is considered as the benchmark to say that I have succeeded. However, my objective here is to share anything and whatever that I have managed to achieve in making money online.

Anything that is stated here in my blog MoneyTuts is solely my trials and errors, and therefore should be taken more as a guide rather than as an advise. I believe that if I can make money online, it is most probably possible for you to imitate and copy the same path (just don't try the errors too LOL).

Despite sharing my knowledge and experience in making some pocket money online, I would also like to welcome others (YOU) to contribute to MoneyTuts as well. You may leave your comments anywhere within the blog, you may backlink the article I wrote, and you may spread or buzz it amongst your friends.

You may also give suggestions in improving MoneyTuts by sending it to me at johari.naqia(at)

May God Bless Us All.

Warm regards,
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